Yellow Background Letys Name with Coconut

Buko Facts

Buko refers to a young, immature green coconut that haven't fully ripened and turned brown. They mostly contain water with little meat. As it matures at 8-10 months, the water becomes sweeter and the meat becomes jelly-like.

Buko is packed with a lot of nutritional value and health benefits. They are also rich in antioxidant compounds that may protect against cellular damage and heart disease.

Buko can be enjoyed in many different ways. You can enjoy the coconut water and the meat as refreshing dessert treats by themselves. They are also used in a lot of desserts like buko pandan, buko ice cream, and especially buko pie.

Six green young coconuts hanging from a tree

About Lety

Leticia Ocampo Belarmino is the person behind Lety's Special Buko Pie. She's a native in Los Baños and singlehandedly turned her hobby into a business.

She started her business in 1976 using one oven. Her driving point to selling her buko pies were free time and boredom. She also wanted to use the extra money she earned to help her kids for their schooling.

Now, she has multiple store locations in Laguna which is managed by her and family members.

Lety Belarmino holding an book next to an article about her


Enjoy some of our products!
Specialty Pies, Baked Goods, and Pasalubong!

Lety's Buko Pie Main Branch

Lety's Buko Pie, National Road,
Barangay Anos, Los Baños, Laguna
(in front of Heaven's Memorial Garden)

Store Hours:
Open daily from 6am to 6pm

Main store view